Why Your Child Might Need to Have a Tooth Removed

September 22, 2022

Filed under: Uncategorized — surfsupdental @ 1:00 pm
Little girl having a tooth extracted at dentist’s office

The baby teeth come loose and fall out on their own when the permanent teeth are ready to start coming in. This is a completely normal part of growing up; you went through it, and your little one will have to go through it too. However, did you know that sometimes baby teeth need to be removed by a dentist? The following post explores why children’s tooth extractions might be necessary as well as some tips for preparing your child for the procedure.

Why Baby Teeth Might Need to Be Extracted

It’s always better for the baby teeth to come out the natural way whenever possible. That said, an extraction might be needed if:

  • The tooth is suffering from extreme decay that can’t be repaired with a filling. Baby teeth are particularly vulnerable to cavities since the layer of enamel protecting them is relatively thin.
  • The tooth has been badly injured. For example, if your child gets hit in the face while playing sports and isn’t wearing a mouthguard, their tooth might be broken to the point that it can’t be restored.
  • The tooth has stayed in the mouth longer than it was supposed to for any reason. If it isn’t removed, there won’t be any room for the permanent tooth to erupt.
  • Your child was born with extra baby teeth. This is a very rare condition that needs to be addressed immediately so that the unnecessary teeth don’t interfere with your child’s dental development.

How Can You Get Your Child Ready for Baby Teeth Extraction?

It’s best to take the time to prepare your child for the extraction so that they know what to expect. It’s important to stay positive while explaining the procedure; if you show signs of being anxious, it could make your child nervous. Try to make the day of the procedure as relaxing as possible for your little one by letting them play their favorite game or taking them to play in the park. If your child has a favorite toy, let them take it with them to their appointment to help keep them calm.

You should also make sure that you’re ready to take care of your child after the extraction is completed. That means stocking up on softer foods like mashed potatoes that they’ll be able to eat easily while their mouth is recovering. You should also make sure you have ice packs to help your child reduce the inflammation in their mouth so that they can stay comfortable during the healing process.

Your dentist will only recommend extracting baby teeth when it’s absolutely necessary. If you’re not sure why the procedure is being recommended or what you need to do to get ready, don’t be afraid to ask.

About the Author

Dr. Bryce Cushing graduated from Virginia Commonwealth University School of Dentistry and completed a pediatric residency at the University of Florida College of Dentistry. At his Papillon practice, Surf’s Up Pediatric Dentistry, he specializes in helping children get the care they need while showing them that dentistry is nothing to be afraid of. If you think your child might need to have a baby tooth extracted, you can make an appointment with Dr. Bryce by visiting his website or calling (402) 773-7873.

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